The Gear That Gets us Through the Day

These past few years have been difficult for everyone, us included. It has become increasingly more important to take joy in the simple pleasures life has to offer. With that being said, we have decided to share with y’all a couple of paramount items that never fail to put a smile on our faces while we work. Maybe they can bring you some joy as well.

Here at Terra Dura, we take our protection and comfort very seriously. Pit Vipers are a must for every Terradurian. Not only do they provide formidable eye protection, but they also make anyone wearing them look like totally balls-to-the-wall awesome. We are also huge fans of open-toed shoes, there is nothing like getting dirt and rocks in between your toes while landscaping. A pair of colorful Tevas will always get the job done. On the other hand (or foot, I should say,) we do not endorse cold feet– bad vibes. Blundstones are our friend when the weather is not. Socks are optional. It is inevitable in the business of landscaping, both in and outside the office, to begin to stink. We have found the perfect solution to this problem: Sex Panther Cologne. 60% of the time, it works, every time. In a similar vein, with the catastrophic amount of (chameleon) cold brew we drink, it is no question that our bathroom is one of our closest compadres. Poo-Pourri is indispensable within our office– it keeps our noses clean and our office mom, I mean manager, happy. After a long day of work, a pack of Modelos is to us what a warm cup of milk is to a child: pure unadulterated bliss. Paired with a friendly game of cornhole and a casual jam session, we end our days with gratitude for the things that bring us through it every time. 

Cheers to Pit Vipers for causing us to see the world from a different perspective, to Tevas and Blundstone for venturing before us, to Sex Panther for making us irresistible, to Poo-pourri for making the bathroom a better place, to Chamelion cold brew for keeping us wired, and last but not least to Modelo, for bringing everyone together and causing us to sing.

Click here to access our beloved gear page— may these items improve your quality of life to the extent that they have ours.